Monday, January 15, 2007

Gypsy Woman

Recently I have been playing the 1991 song Gypsy Woman by Crystal Waters over and over. I am not sure if I am being mesmerized by the da-da-de-da-da-da beat or the tone of the electronic keyboard. This song and "100% Pure Love" (also by Waters) are some of the best in dance music even today. However I find the MTV for the song disturbing if not weird, not to mention that Miss Waters does not possess the slightest ability to dance (merely shaking your body and occasionally kicking your legs do not count, for I became the laughing stock on the dance floor for unknowingly mimicking your moves).

First of all, here is the original MTV for the song, followed by a hilarious diss-and-spoof by Kim Wayans on In Living Color (featuring homeless people dancing!). I wonder who is getting the last laugh when Gypsy Woman is still one of the most played dance songs in clubs, especially in Europe where hundreds of remixes are made, with rapper T.I. copying the song's psyched-tone in "Why You Wanna."

The original (and uber-weird) MTV for Gypsy Woman:

The hilarious diss-and-spoof by In Living Color's Kim Wayans:

T.I.'s Why You Wanna:

A special bonus: 100% Pure Love by Crystal Waters:

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