Sunday, November 26, 2006

If Quebec Becomes a Nation, then What About Leafs Nation?


Yes the people of Leafs Nation have "suffered" long enough under a series of ill-managed regimes in the past few decades and discriminatory policies by Gary Bettman and the NHL in NYC. Therefore it makes sense that if Quebec is categorized as a "nation" by Steven Harper's Conservatives, then the hordes of Leafs fans too should receive the same designation...

Unfortunately, that would be the last thing to pursue by any ruling federal government in Ottawa, or else the rest of Canada would certainly want to separate from Southern Ontario (East of London and West of Kingston). This is not to mention that hockey in the rest of the Great White North coast to coast went through a golden age (the addition of Canadian NHL franchises between 1970 and 1992 [Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Ottawa, and Quebec], the Habs dynasty in the 70s, and the emergence of Flames and Oilers as hockey powers in the 80s).

This issue was raised in today's Toronto Star, with an editoral cartoon followed by an inexhaustive list of unique Canadian/"ethnic" cultures that could be categorized as individual "nations" as well. The cartoon can be found here. Sadly, I wasn't able to find the link to the related news article on Toronto Star's website.

May this person be able to proudly wear the jersey for eternity!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How will the NHL deal with a hockey club in yet ANOTHER country.

I completely disagree with Quebec separating from Canada.

See my blog for my reasons.

Canada is a great country with all of its quirky parts. I love all of the personalities that Canada has.

Why on earth does quebec want to separate?